Colleges and Schools


The music department offers four choirs, 一个管弦乐队, 音乐会乐队, 爵士乐团, various instrumental chamber ensembles, and an opera program. These groups perform individually and in collaboration, both on-campus and off-campus. Some ensembles tour domestically and abroad and take part in festivals and competitions. The opera program stages a workshop and either a full opera or selected scenes each year.

乐团 are open to both music majors and non-music majors; most require auditions.

Instrumental 乐团

Share your musical talent in instrumental groups that perform all styles of music and include Concert Band, 爵士乐组合, 爵士乐团, 室乐团, University Orchestra, 及敬拜小组.

了解更多 about instrumental ensembles


Gain valuable performance experience under the direction of both vocal and acting coaches. The opera program stages both scenes and full opera productions.



Music majors and non-majors are welcome to audition for groups that perform a wide range of music and include Chamber Singers, 福音唱诗班, 大学合唱团, Vocal 爵士乐团, Upper Voice Chorale, 及敬拜小组.
